Saturday 21 June 2008

City and small town life

There was a wide difference between my brought up and married life.

I was born in Calcutta a big city of India and brought up and educated in Bombay (Mumbai). Our marriage was performed in a city in Rajasthan called Bikaner. It was a memorable time. 

Many big business houses had their big heritage beautiful architectural Vallabhan sect. houses called (Haveli) These Aristocrat families use to come for holidays tired from businesses in big cities like Calcutta, Bombay, Madras etc. to take rest and relax come out of their hectic business life  care for their health and enjoyment at the same time look after the people of their family town. Always donating big chunk of their hard earn money for improvement of the town. 

But after marriage we were moved to a small town to look after family business. There I lived happily in our small town. But there was wide difference from city life coming and living in a small place. There was no proper lighting system only with private generator (Not 24 hours) maximum 6 hours or less)  lantern to save kerosene (after war scarcity of many things) we had to live with tiny lamps light in local language called (dhibia) some time  for  celebration or greeting special guests maximum lighting was done with Petromax gas lamps which was called it was filled with kerosene and there use to have bulb shape burner inside the lamp hanged with brass strings this lamp was covered with glass and after filled with kerosene helpers use to pump these lamps.Our court yard and verandas were shining with these big bright lamps. 

I used to be very happy and feel comfortable but with light insects and  and mosquitoes were in plenty. I was feeling because I like the light so too these creatures may also  happy to see their prey easily. No proper drainage,no water supply from municipality. Not many cars or public transportation system was available. But no pollution and  no problem of carbon dioxide.
One train was coming from city and same was returning in the evening. Latter the numbers of trains increased.

 We were few fortunate children with almost all modern facilities available. Our house was  the biggest with all own facilities but limited. My father in law was Gandhian (nationalist) It was his advise that we should try to live like  as average person of this small town. Our family was very respected. 

My father in law was self disciplined, progressive person with all ethical business norms carrying all Gandhi,s views in every day life. He was a big philanthropist in his own town. Created  small public hospital, Sanskrit university. Hindu temple etc. Constructed a house where farmers could come and stay free to sell their crop in the Market (called Mandi) Every year he use to invite  eye surgeon from Punjab to operate old poor people's cataract  and arranged new glasses for their eyes. Thousands were coming from small villages after 3 days they were sent back to their respective places.

The town was surrounded all beautiful green  paddy farms and  and mustard seeds. The land was very fertile almost all vegetables and tropical fruits were locally grown were  available in season.

He had paddy milling factories  in all the premises of the factories at gates rice was available  for needy.  He had great sense of  community.