Sunday, 30 August 2020

The situation is not bad,

The situation is not bad,


The situation is not bad,

We create status.

Leave in doubts

Surrounded in darkness

The darkness of moonless
Seems light dark.
No courage to face problems,
No control on wants.
No shortage of skills,
Not interested in working,
Aimlessly wandering in the
world of elusive dreams.
Blame goes to fate.
No courage to work effortlessly
Thinking that is their renunciation.
Not interested in socializing
Saying the world is a museum.
स्थिति बुरी भली नहीं,
हम बनाते स्थिति।
संशय की अन्धेरी,
कोठरी में उल्झे उलझे रहते
अमावस की घनी अँधेरी,
रात भी लगती हल्की अँधियारी।
अभिलाषाओं पर नियन्त्रण नही
परेशानियों का सामना करना पसन्द नहीं।
कौशल्य की कमी नहीं,
संशय से निकलना मुश्किल।
काम करने में रुचि नहीं,
कहते हमें ज़रूरत नहीं।
मायावी स्वप्नों की
दुनिया में विचरते,
कहते हम हैं तक़दीर मारे।
पुरुषार्थ से घबराते,
कहते हम संतुष्ट हैं।
मिलने जुलने में रुचि नहीं,
कहते दुनिया अजायबघर है।
By Durga H Periwal

The Hospital


The Hospital

The Hospital

Rooms are there

Beds are there

People are there

Front desk 2or3 girls sit
Respond visitors inquiries.
The hospital have in and out
Many gates.
Cafeterias are there
General wards are there
Individual rooms are there
Intensive care rooms are there.
Machines are there
Equipments are there
Instruments are there
Stretchers are there
Wheel chairs are there
The hospitals feed patients
White sugar frozen food and
Vegetables and many more eatables
The health department should stop
This types of food feed the patients quality food.
Modern Medicines are there
Doctors walking into the rooms and wards
To see the patients.
Nurses are not angels but next best
To take care of patients
They carry Blood pressure monitor, stethoscope,
Thermometer,Injection etc.
Birth is there
Death is there
crying is there
Joy is there
No visitors sign is there
Visitors allowed
Visitor hours are fixed
Standing out side visiting hours just to start
Went in with flowers to greet the new mother
The baby was cute beautiful weight 9.8 pound
Wrapped in a soft baby blanket
Eyes were closed fist is closed
Hungry crying wanted mother
He does not know mother but wanted
Some thing to satisfy his hunger.
Visited another friend
When I said hello she didn't say a word.
I tried to take her hand she pulled it back.
She was having oxygen and IV on.
Seemed she was not interested.
Probably she was in great aches and pains.
She did not respond .
She was not interested
She was very sick.
She was not caring for my presence at all.
Some time the hallway is crowded with lost souls.
Family and friends stand with tears in their eyes.
The Hospital atmosphere and
Smell makes visitors uncomfortable.
*Doctors and nurses are brave souls
during the pandemic.
By Durga H Periwal

Many of us have forgotten

Many of us have forgotten 

Don't leave me mummy

Don't leave me mummy

Don't leave me mummy

I am afraid of this world.

Hearing the trembling voice of child

Mother's heart filled 

with compassion

Bruised in bushes
Starved weeping child
                                                            fell asleep

Ruffled fickle mind 
Mother's heart was weeping
Who will bring fruits
to feed my little baby?
मुझे मत छोड़ो मम्मी
मुझे इस दुनिया से डर लगता है
बच्चे की कांपती हुई आवाज सुनकर
माँ का दिल भर आया
करुणा के साथ
झाड़ियों में बसा हुआ
रोता हुआ बच्चा भूखा
सो गया
घबराया हुआ चंचल मन
माँ का दिल रो रहा था
कौन फल लाएगा
बच्चे को खिलाने के लिए?
By Durga H Periwal