Saturday 5 February 2022




या कुन्देन्दु तुषार हार धवला या शुभ्र वस्त्रावृता।

या वीणा वर दण्ड मण्डित करा या श्वेतपद्मासना ।

या ब्रम्हाच्युत शंकर प्रभृतिर्भिर देव्यै सदा वन्दिता

सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवति निशेष जाड़्यापहा।

सा मे वस्तु जिह्वायां वीणा पुस्तक धारिणी 

मुरारी बल्लभे देवी नारायणी नमस्तुते।

शुभ बसन्त पंचमी 

करें सभी सरस्वती वन्दना।

दुर्गा ह पेरीवाल


Significance of number 13

 Significance of number 13                     Significance of number 13

Pranav Mukerji was 13 President of India

Before moving to Rashtrapati Bhawan 

he was living in (Bunglow number 13 Talkatora Road. New Delhi

His office was In Parliament room number 13 

He got married in July 13.marriage lasted for 55 years .

The number 13 is actually a very lucky number.

In India, the 13th day of the lunar fortnight is known 

to be highly auspicious and is called Triyodashi.

In India in some communities after death of a family member thirteenth day normal activities starts again.

Number 13 has strong vibration.

Number 13. brings luck.

Number 13 brings prosperity

Number 13 means assured growth in Chinese calendar. 

It is considered very lucky number.

In Thailand 13 considered to be luckiest number. 

Thailand new year is on April 13

In India Punjabi new year is on April 13.

American President Thomas Jefferson was born in April 13.

The American flag has 13 stripes in recognition of the colonies.   

The original American flag had 13 stars for the same reason.

The Apollo 13 was the 3rd manned space craft to the moon.

Native American believe number thirteen as a sacred number.

In Coperos religion number 13 is lucky number.

Romans and Greeks  believe Friday 13 Is lucky day.

Egyptians believe number 13 is lucky number. 

I am firmly convinced that the number 13 is a lucky number.

My son is born on 13.

13 is a karmic number. 

This number is very strong and is a bringer of changes 

to which we need to adapt, 

thus making its power even stronger.

I am sure number 13 will not ruin your life.

No numbers is good or bad. it is our perception

what we think and how we act.

By Durga H Periwal


O! Human infinite potential resides in you

O! Human infinite potential resides in you

                                                  O! Human infinite potential resides in you

O! Human infinite potential resides in you.

The ability derived from inner joy.

Infinite potential is in controlled mind.

Ability sparkling in rare stillness of mind.

Capability build,skill, gratitude,generosity 

compassionate and prosperity.

Competence derive Peace,contentment and equanimity

Everyone's safety is secured in reliable capacity.

हे ! मानव तुझमें समायी अनंत क्षमता 

आनन्द की अनुभूति से मिलती क्षमता।

नियन्त्रित मन की शान्ति से जगमगाती क्षमता 

मन की दुर्लभ स्थिरता में निखरती क्षमता।

क्षमता से विकसित सम्पन्नता औ कुशलता

क्षमता से हासिल होती  कृतज्ञता, उदारता

शान्ति,पराक्रम,रुचि औ तृप्ति-सन्तुष्टि।

क्षमता की अनुकम्पा से ममता समता होती प्राप्त।   

विश्वसनीय क्षमता में सबकी सुरक्षा है सुरक्षित।

By Durga H periwal


The Universe is in chaos

The Universe is in chaos                       The Universe is in chaos

Brahma created the entire universe.

Entire universe including Earth,Amber and Oceans.

filled with extremely distinguish beauty.

The creator would have not thought that 

Human race will disturb his entire creation.

Here and there and everywhere in the world

we see Anarchy and tribulation .

Scientists, politicians business leaders   

illusion and fulfill their egoistic desires

and treat themselves as the ruler of the universe.

Whatever may happen to others they want 

to fulfill their ambitions and exploiting the earth.

The creatures live in water fishes and other animals (Jaldhar)

The flying creatuers birds and others(Nabhchar)

All the animals on the earth(Thatlcher)

Down trodden humans are oppress everywhere.

Humans ignoring their responsibilities

for the future generations.

Improper use of natural resources for their desired comforts

without feeling the consequences.

We humans indulge in artificial physical means

Getting away from natural happiness and gaiety.

Problems arose for all the inhabitants on the earth.

We are dividing ourselves by nationalism, casteism, tribes.

When will we realize that perhaps God is also ignorant.

We ourselves are destroying our mental peace.

ब्रह्मा ने ब्रह्मांड रचा सौंन्दर्य से परिपूरित

अखिल निखिल समग्र व्यग्र हुआ ब्रह्माण्ड

रचनाकार ने सोचा भी न होगा उसकी रचना समस्त 

मानव की कृतियों से हो जायेगी अस्तब्यस्त। 

इधर उधर जिधर देखो सब तरफ संसृति में 

अराजकता और क्लेश आ रहा नजर।

भ्रम और अहंकार वश वैज्ञानिक,राजनेता

व्यापारी वर्ग बन रहे विश्व के कर्ता धर्ता  

जो भी हो स्व मंशा हो पूर्ण, सब करते धरती का शोषण।

जलधर नभचर थलचर मानव सबका करता दमन।

भविष्य के लिये अपने उत्तरदायित्व को करते नज़रअन्दाज़ 

वर्तमान की सुख सुविधाओं में प्राकृतिक साधनों 

का करते अनुचित उपयोग।

परिणामों को महसूस किए बिना

कृत्रिम भौतिक साधनों में लिप्त सब इन्सान 

प्राकृतिक ख़ुशियों और उल्लास से हो रहे दूर।

भूग्रह के सभी निवासियों के लिये समस्यायें होती उत्पन्न।

हम स्वयं को कर रहे विभाजित राष्ट्रवाद, जातिवाद ,जनजाति ।

कब होगा हमें एहसास शायद खुदा भी है अनभिज्ञ।     

हम स्वयं मानसिक शांति को कर रहे नष्ट । 

By Durga H Periwal
