Thursday 9 June 2022

When I look at allure of Mother Earth.

When I look at allure of Mother Earth. 

When I look at allure of Mother Earth.

my faith grows deeper and deeper

and my inner core  gets jubilant.

In spite of everything  transitory here

however stunning beauty 

of mother is unmatched.

Mother's heart is the same 

inside out she does not differentiate 

between Rich or Poor Good and bad 

humans she looks after everyone the same way.

She does not classify humans 

on their merits, demerits

respects or disrespects.

Whether they are nobles 

or ordinary persons.

Wealth and riches all are impermanent.    

Knowledge is eternally infinite

Lack of knowledge(Ignorance) is poverty.

Our will power, love and judgement 

make our destiny and it is our property.

We can not blame nature or parents 

for our adversity they are not responsible.

We should follow the path 

on which we want to walk.

We will have the right over that.

मेरा अन्तर होता आनन्द विभोर

जब मैं करती माँ धरती का बखान।

गहरा विश्वास पनपता मेरे अन्दर

नैसर्गिक कृतियाँ कितनी सुन्दर।

यहाँ सब कुछ है अस्थायी अनित्य।

कुछ भी हो अद्भुत है माँ का सौन्दर्य।

भीतर बाहर माँ का हृदय एक समान    

भेद भाव नहीं माँ के मन

करती सबकी देख भाल एक समान

नहीं करती वर्गीकरण गुणी,अवगुणी

हो या सम्मानित असम्मानित, 

कुलीन हो या सामान्य जीव।

है यह अच्छी खबर।

धन द्रव्य सब है अनित्य

ज्ञानभंडार है नित्य अनन्त

अज्ञान समान नहीं अभावग्रस्त

हमारी इच्छा शक्ति प्रेम और 

हमारा भाग्य हमारी मलकियत

प्रकृति और माता-पिता नहीं कसूरवार।

जिस पथ पर चलना चाहें हम करें अख़्तियार, 

उस पर होगा हमारा अधिकार।

By Durga H Periwal


In schooldays memorizing Raheemdasji couplets

 In schooldays we were memorizing Raheemdasji couplets 

In depth of their meanings.
Neither teachers were capable to explain us
actual meanings of these couplets in life.
And I think they did not had that much time
                                                        to explain to students.
Now I am retired from my worldly duties
and have ample time to dive in every word.
And find each word is useful in our
social life if we follow them.
I found every word is worth
taking in account in our character.
Raheem says do not ignore value of water.
Precise character of water is increase luster,
humility and affixation combine and many many more.
रहिमन पानी राखिये, बिन पानी सब सून।
पानी गये न ऊबरे, मोती, मानुष, चून।।
Rahim says,value water, for there is
nothing without water.
Don't ignore water don't waste water.
Due to water pearl has luster.
With water humanity exists in Humans.
With water flour turn into dough
and is useful for human food.
In this couplet Raheem had given example of
three very popular items of his time and
I think present time also it is important.
Pearl-without water pearl has no luster
and without luster pearl has no value.
Human Being-A human should have humility modesty
in their character which will create good society.
Flour- Main source of human food-Making
any eatables out of flour we had to bind flour
with water then we can make bread Naan Roti
Cake Halua or many many extras.
Therefore we all have to be careful to use water .
Careful to be well behaved.
Pearl we all know without water no pearls.
All class cast love to wear pearls.
Explanation of Raheem das ji couplet
By Durga H Periwal