Saturday 5 September 2020

Creeper of love

Creeper of love 

Creeper of love is nurtured 

With elixir 

Airing round,

Always blossoms,

The lush green vine with flowers

Noise in the enchanted mind

Tinkle in the veins.

Love is wonderful 

Spreads pleasant fragrance

Winter or summer

Cloudy or rains

Love always remains perfect.

Battling the storms of life

Is not afraid of thorns.

Love shines and rise 

Above all the hurdles.

No expectation nor ignorant

Love always shines

Love need sacrifice

Love is limitless

Love is evergreen

Love has divine power

Love resides in soul

It has immense magic power

Love bloom and  enjoy greatness.

Love wave flows in the air.

प्रेम की गंगधार

प्रेम गंग से सिचिंत पौध 

पसरती चहुँ ओर,

कभी खिलती कभी मुर्झाती,

हरे भरे पुष्प और पल्लव की यह बेल।

मुग्ध मानस में करती शोर।

रग रग मे करती झंकार।

कैसा अद्भुत है यह प्यार।

खुशबू का करता उत्सर्जन

बादल हो या धूप 

प्यार सदा रहता परिपूर्ण।

जीवन में तूफानों से झूझता

कॉटों से नहीं घबराता 

ऊपर उठता चमकता प्यार।

नहीं अपेक्षा नहीं उपेक्षा

प्यार की दौलत त्याग

असीमित होता प्यार।

रगों में बहती प्रेम तरंग।

प्यार की मौसम सदाबहार।

By Durga H Periwal

4.9.2020 (FB)

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